Wednesday 21 January 2015

Udemy - İos Game development - Build a "Flappy Bird" clone [100% OFF]

Who is this for: Anyone who wants to make money with apps and games or who just wants to see how easy it is to create a #1 Hit Game.
What is this Course About: You will learn how to make your own customized version of the popular Flappy Bird game in a matter of minutes without any coding. The same game that was getting millions of downloads and reportedly making over $50,000 per day. You can then publish this game at iTunes for both the iPhone, iPod and iPad devices.
How long is this Course: You will get about 2 Hours of video of me teaching you how to make the game and ideas on how to customize the game and make it better.
iOS game development, and software development as a whole, is a booming career. The demand for new developers at all levels far outweighs the supply. Barrier to entry is not as high as one would think - though passion and hard work are necessary, a degree in computer science or any other technical field is not required.