Wednesday 21 January 2015

Udemy - Make your life count: 4 steps to creating a life legAcy™ [100% OFF]

We all change the world, whether we are doing so consciously or not. No matter how hard we try, we cannot avoid leaving a fingerprint, an indication of our presence; "that part of ourselves that we leave behind, the thing that makes the world a different place because we were in it." The legAcy? you leave is the change that is left in the world as a result of your presence. Each one of us will leave a legAcy? whether we intend to or not.
Our legacy? is defined by who we are and what we do. It is the result created by the sum total of our actions and behaviours, our attitudes, out outlook on life, our values, our moods and most importantly our habits; those things we do or say repetitively without being conscious of them.
Are you ready to take control of the legacy you will leave; to define the kind of change you want to see in the world and to devise a plan to become the person you need to be to fulfil your chosen purpose? Are you ready to embrace legAcy? living as your way of life?
The amazing benefits of legacy? living are:
  • Your deliberate and intentionally chosen thoughts and attitudes are expressed through your actions
  • You experience increased confidence in your decision making; decisions are made with less anxiety and fewer delays
  • The potential for distractions in your life is greatly reduced; you know what you are here for!
  • You experience high productivity with greater results and more success
  • The clarity of purpose you have leads to increased personal power and confidence in all situations.
  • You find yourself demonstrating high levels of accountability and delivery on commitments
  • You acquire high levels of resilience in the face of change
  • You live authentically with passion and joy!
This is for you if you know that your life has a purpose but you are unsure how to uncover that pourpose, define it and devise a plane to live the purpose to its fullest or if you know that you want to make a difference with your life, but are not sure how to bring that to life.
This course will give you all the tools you need to begin legAcy? living today. The course consists of 12 video lectures, downloadable exercises and reading material. It course is designed to include introspection and thought, so move through the material at your own pace or even repeat modules where you feel you need to spend a little more time.
Once you have completed this course and if you are in a leadership role or managing a team or organisation, you can move on to the second course in this series: Make your team count: Steps to creating a team legAcy?

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